A person’s physical, mental, and social well-being can benefit to a large extent by an effective participation in sports. Women’s sports are equally important as men’s. It has been observed that females participating in sports have good health and enhanced personalities. They are more empowered and financially stable as compared to other women.
Considering them as extracurricular activities and hobbies, sports have not been given the attention they deserve. About 90% of women and girls in Pakistan do not take part in sports and other physical activities. The highest ratio of participation is in cricket (65.59%) followed by badminton (35.95%), biking (24.19%), tennis (17.20%), and table tennis (14.52%). Table 3 However, what are the factors which prove to be the barriers for women who want to pursue sports as their profession?
- Religious factors
- Cultural factors
- Socioeconomic factors
- Gender inequality
- Lack of access to facilities and opportunities
- Lack of media coverage
Religious factors
Although much of the previous literature states that religion can reduce the participation of women in sports, the results calculated using the SCSRFQ prove that religion does not discourage that. To deal with this problem, people should challenge the unwritten and deceptive rules regarding Islam.
Cultural Factors
Women’s participation in sports has been hindered due to various cultural barriers. In our culture, a woman is considered to perform household work and raise children. Whereas a man is encouraged to participate in outdoor activities. The fear of “what people will say” prevents parents from allowing their daughters to pursue sports as a profession. Problems like peer pressure, body image, and physical health challenges can become obstacles even if a girl is lucky enough to participate in a sports event. In this regard, the media should present a positive image and awareness regarding the importance of women’s participation in sports.
Socioeconomic Factors
Due to a lack of opportunities in schools and colleges, girls have to look somewhere else for sports. In most cases, families are financially unstable and can’t afford to send their daughters to some sports academy. The playgrounds are usually far away from home, due to which they need transportation facilities and many families can’t afford them. However, providing them with opportunities in schools and colleges can encourage women’s participation in sports.
Gender Inequality
Pakistan is a patriarchal society where women have been subjected to gender inequality in various aspects of their life, including sports. Although gender equality has been accepted throughout the world, there’s much difference between just accepting it and practically acting upon it. Men’s sports often overshadow women’s sports. The scarcity of women’s participation in sports can be seen through the fact that only 10 Pakistani women participated in Olympics from 1896 to 2016. This is because there are more facilities, media coverage, and opportunities for men as compared to women. Women should step up and speak for their rights in this men dominating society.
Lack of access to facilities and opportunities
In our country, more resources are available for men than women in the field of sports due to which women have fewer opportunities as compared to men. Female athletes get less exposure and recognition. Females’ inclusion in sports is still at an inborn stage due to the non-availability of playgrounds, mentors, and coaches, and the lack of equipment required for particular games. Many talented females are unable to pursue their dreams because enough money isn’t being spent on women’s competitions. For instance, the Pakistan Cricket Board allocated only 5% of its budget to women and 19% to men in 2020. Moreover, there is a huge difference between the match fees of male and female athletes.
Lack of media coverage
Media influences the participation of women in sports. One of the major problems regarding the participation of women in sports is the lack of media coverage. Media emphasizes mainly the matches, training, and lives of famous male athletes. There are very less role models for women. There is no doubt that Pakistan has various talented female athletes who have made Pakistan proud on the international level, but the problem is that they don’t get enough recognition and appreciation they deserve.To tackle the other factors, the media should step up and play its part in representing the images of sportswomen who made their name in the field of sports. This could impress the fans and common people and more people will allow their daughters, sisters, and wives to make their careers in the field of sports. In addition, women should step up and speak for their rights in this men dominating society.